

Here you can find a few papers and publications we have authored or co-authored

Papers in Scientific Journals, Volumes and Conference Proceedings

  • Ferrucci, G. Terenzi, M. Greco, M. Schiaffini (2015) “Promuovere l’Apprendimento sulla Sicurezza sul Lavoro nelle Strutture Sanitarie tramite la Realtà Aumentata: tra Opportunità e Criticità” in “Sicurezza e salute sul lavoro. Quale cultura e quali prassi?” a cura di C. Cipolla , M. Mazzetti, L. Veneri, Editore Franco Angeli 
  • Gorbunov, A. Terenzi, G. Terenzi (2014) “A Pocket-size Augmented Reality System for Flight Control” in EuroVR2014 Proceedings, 11th Conference and Exhibition of the European Association of Virtual and Augmented Reality 2014, Bremen, Germany 
  • Quero, M.A. Pérez-Ara, G. Terenzi, M. Fiorese, D. Campos, R.M. Baños, M.A. Vicent, D. Reina, C. Botella (2013) “An Augmented Reality System for Risk Prevention in Hospitals: Preliminary Usability Data” in ICERI2013 Proceedings, 6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation 2013, Seville, Spain November 20, 2013 
  • Gorbunov, E. Netchaev & G. Terenzi (2012) “Augmented Reality in the Aircraft Industry”. Applied Informatics, 4’2012. NOU “Synergy”, Moscow (in Russo) 
  • Terenzi & A. Terenzi (2011) “Towards Augmented Reality Design: The Case for the ARplugins”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), October 2011. 
  • Terenzi (2009), Anticipatory Cognitive Systems: A Theoretical Model, in G. Minati, M. Abram & E. Pessa (2009) Processes of Emergence of Systems and Systemic Properties –Towards a General Theory of Emergence, World Scientific, Singapore 
  • Terenzi (2008), Semiosis in Cognitive Systems, Semiotica, Issue 171, pp 131–162 
  • Terenzi (2008), Anticipation in Biological and Cognitive Systems: The Need for a Physical Theory of Biological Organization, in I. Licata & A. Sakaji Eds, Physics of Emergence and Organization,  World Scientific, Singapore 
  • Terenzi (2007), Anticipation in Biological and Cognitive Systems: The Need for a Physical Theory of Biological Organization, Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics, Special Issue 
  • Pessa & G. Terenzi (2007), Semiosis in Cognitive Systems: A Neural Approach to the Problem of Meaning in MIND & SOCIETY: Cognitive Studies in Economics and Social Sciences, Vol. 3, N. 2. 
  • Terenzi (2006) Verso un Approccio Partecipativo alla soluzione dei Problemi Ambientali, Atti del Workshop organizzato dall’Istituto Superiore di Sanità: “La Comunicazione Applicata alle Tematiche Ambientali”, 10 Dicembre, 2004, (in italiano). 
  • Terenzi, G. (2005), Metasystem Transitions in Human Organizations: A Route Towards Global Sustainability, International Journal of Organizational Transformation and Social Change, Vol. 2, No 3. 
  • Terenzi (2005), Metasystem Transitions in Human Organizations (Part II): A Heursistics for Global Sustainability, in G. Minati, E. Pessa , M. Abram (Eds) The Systemics of Emergence, Springer, Berlin. 
  • Terenzi (2005), Metasystem Transitions in Human Organizations (Part I): Towards Organizational Synergetics, in G. Minati, E. Pessa , M. Abram (Eds) The Systemics of Emergence, Springer, Berlin. 
  • Terenzi (2003) Global Evolution of Human Systems: a Prototype Model, Proceedings of the 47th Annual Conference of International Society for the System Science, Iraklion Crete, Greece. 
  • Terenzi (2002), The Emergence of the Symbolic Function, in G. Minati & E. Pessa (Eds) Emergence in complex, social and biological systems, Kluwer Academic/Plenum, New York. 
  • Pessa & G. Terenzi (2001),  A Neural Net Solution to the Symbol Grounding Problem, in M. Marinaro & R. Tagliaferri (Eds) WIRN Vietri sul Mare, Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 
  • Terenzi & A. Terenzi (1994) Una  Strategia Sostenibile per lo Sviluppo dei Sistemi Urbani, Internal Technical Report (in italiano).


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